The Breakfast Club provides meals for homeless and low-income residents in Seattle. It is a ministry of First Covenant Church and other churches in the greater Seattle area. 


8:00 - 11:00 am
(preparation, serving and clean-up) 
First Covenant Church
400 E. Pike Street, Seattle


No special skills or talents are required, only a heart that desires to serve and love others in the name of Jesus. Opportunities to serve/participate in this ministry are varied and include dining room set-up, food preparation, serving line, mingling, conversing with/ministering to guests and clean-up.


Usually small groups sign up to serve together, although individual families can also do so. Many of the people who volunteer bring their children because it is a great way to serve together! Although all ages are welcome, children five years and up are most suited to be active participants. No long-term commitment is required. Please sign up below.



This ministry is supported by individual donor contributions. Whether serving or not, donations are appreciated so that we can continue to provide a warm meal for those in need. If you'd like to support this ministry, you can make a check out to Seattle First Covenant Church and designate "The Breakfast Club" in the memo line. Mail it to Seattle First Covenant Church, 400 East Pike, Seattle, WA 98122.